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XP Mode in Windows 7

We know the one of weakness of Windows Vista is hardware and software compatibility. Those problems make the Windows users don't want to use Windows Vista and decided in Windows XP. Because of that problems Microsoft Corporation make a project for new Windows System called Windows 7. In this system, Microsoft add a new feature that make application which run smoothly in Windows XP can also run smoothly in Windows 7. This new feature called XP mode.

The XP mode feature is a new feature which uses a Virtual PC to run virtual Windows XP. This feature needs a hardware virtualization, so you must have a processor which has hardware virtualization. Usually new Intel and AMD processors have hardware virtualization. If you not sure is your processor has hardware virtualization, you can use tool from Internet which can detect your processor is support it or no.

If your processor has hardware virtualization feature, the next steps are check your hard disk and your RAM, you need 15 GB of hard disk space and 2 GB of RAM. Then, you need Virtual PC installation and Windows XP image. You can download these files in If your Windows 7 is 64-bit versions you must choose windows6.1-KB958559-x64.msu. And if your Windows is 32-bit version you must choose windows6.1-KB958559-x86.msu.

All requirements already completed. Now you can install this virtual Windows XP. If this installation was completed. You can install application that you want. Such as you can install Winamp Media Player. After installation was completed, check directory C:\Documents and Settings\All users\Start Menu\ in your virtual Windows XP, if the winamp shortcut already in there. You can use this application directly with windows 7 by clicking Start Menu on your Windows 7 and choose winamp.

Although this feature answer the compatibility problem in Windows 7, this feature run on virtual PC which get resource from parent computer. As a result don't use this feature to play a game. Because this Virtual PC hardware not same with real hardware.

- writed by safitri amita
- PC Mild magazine page 05. May 28th - Jun10th 2009


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