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BiOS (Billing Open Source) for Linux Warnet

One question that often asked by internet café's owner is about billing for internet cafe. Luckily, now available an application for answer that question. That software was called BiOS (Billing Open Source). This Software originally made in Indonesia and specially for internet cafe which use Linux OS.

Billing Open Source (BiOS)is a billing that specially for internet cafe with Linux OS. This application made from scratch and not from developing a software. This application based on web (PHP and MySQL) so it runs on web server application such as Apache, Lighttpd and other web server. BiOS use client-server concept. A server application can sets on internet proxy. Client can see his internet cost via mozilla firefox browser. This firefox has been modified for user comfortable. Administrator can change for internet cost duration. And operator can see client internet cost, start and reset billing, make a monthly report and print a customer bill.

There are many advantages if you use BiOS. BiOS can runs in almost all operating system which have web server, PHP and MySQL. BiOS has simple user interface, easy to use for clients and operator, Indonesian menu, timer system based on AJAX, unlimited clients. If the billing server connect to the internet, you can control your internet cafe conditions. This software is easy to install because this software not need to compile. Moreover, almost all Linux distribution support PHP and MySQL. And if you use Linux OS, you can use remote facility from this software.

We can see the software piracy is very bad conditions for our country. Our country can have bad perception on the world. So we should use a open source software such as BiOS. By using this application we can decrease the software piracy in our country. BiOS is legal application for you and for me.

Source: -

- BiOS manual files


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